Sunday, May 3, 2015


Day Three of Continued NaPoWriMo in May:

Forgive us for we have done wrong
While we sing Your holy song.

Our fall was not on purpose
It did not feel good- it was worthless.

We have prayed to be forgiven 
for we are ugly- living in sin.

This happening had made us realize
how badly we need you by our side.

We dare not turn away and run
We know , for our sins, what You've done.

To live a life that brings You glory
and share of Your mighty testimony.

Saturday, May 2, 2015


Day Two of Continued NaPoWriMo in May:

Quickly the days go by
and soon we will all say goodbye.
Go our own separate ways
At the very end of May.
The weeks are crammed with things todo
Things we must have to pull through.
We Weill be tested to prove what we know
So by the end we will be let go.
Though this end is bittersweet 
and at our last grand meet
we will receiver our prize out the door
take took several years -a matter of fact four.
To finally say that we are done
and that our new lives have just begun

Friday, May 1, 2015

There Isn't Much

Day One of Continued NaPoWriMo in May:

There is not much more that I can say
to fix the reason why we went our own way.
There is not much more that I can do
except to leave it all to you.

I'm tired of pretending that it's alright
instead of confronting, to put up a fight.
To save a friendship what is no longer there
When I'm the only one who gives a care.

This is me telling you that I am done
long after our parting way have begun.
If it was you or if it was me
to cause this breakage between we.

Regaurdless the reason that we think differently 
My fingers point at you and yours at me.
Whoever is at fault, it could be both of us.
I'm tired, I'm done with all this fuss.