Thursday, April 30, 2015


Day Thirty of NaPoWriMo:

We knew this time would come
and how quickly it came by.
To put an end to our poetry 
and great this month with a goodbye.

Although this month has ended 
I still have things to write and say.
To continue this journey and challenge
is what I will do and what I may.

I just want to give a proper farewell 
to the challenge that taught me well.
to put an end to a daily todo
Adieu, adieu , adieu to you.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Me Talk Pretty One Day

Day Twenty-Nine of NaPoWriMo:

Me talk pretty one day
when I learn all the nice things to say.
I'll learn to make friends not foes
and the drama I hear, I'll let go.

My tongue will speak joy 
My lips will not seap with poison
For word came hurt or heal 
We respond with how we feel.

Me talk pretty on day
When I no longer destroy
good people with good souls
with the words that I employ.

To build people up and not tear them down
I'll try and stay away
from the negatives and causing frowns
when I learn to talk pretty one day.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015


Day Twenty-Eight of NaPoWriMo:

You cover up your insecurities
and hide His perfection.
You fix whats not broken
and make changes to His creation.

You aren't beautiful
you tell yourself daily.
Finding your happiness
keeps you up, makes you go crazy.

Things in life are temporary
what's it right now won't be tomorrow.
Which keeps you searching
and dwelling in your sorrow.

But theirs beauty in Him
you have heard  that its true.
He has a divine plan for everyone
that's why you aren't her, and she's not you.

We are all beautiful in His eyes
For He sees beyond our flaws.
He sees what's inside -which matters
He gives us purpose, when we feel small.

We are not ugly
we don't have to feel shame.
We are all beautiful
when we call upon His name.

The world will lie
and tell you that you don't matter.
Don't be deceived
if you hear them, don't wait-scatter.

Run to him, He'll give you shelter
He was sent down for us, it was His duty.
He'll feed us the truth
and in Him we find beauty.

Monday, April 27, 2015


Day Twenty-Seven of NaPoWriMo:

or shine
life goes on.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Flea Killer

Day Twenty-Six of NaPoWriMo:

You confessed your love to me and I thought it was sweet,
something I'll hold dearly. However I lost you at your plea
when you compared our love and our bond to measly old flea.

If I mean as much to you as you say couldn't you have told me
in any other way? I mean our love can be symbolized in other ways
anything and everything but you chose a bug that feeds off decay.

I guess not all men are good at words and wooing women.
Your crack to convince me into bed could use more effort
I'm a woman of virtue and I know I deserve better.

So I guess if it has to be between my virtue and you
I'd easily choose my purity over a measly old flea
I'd rather be alone or with someone who just wants me.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Carpe Diem

Day Twenty-Five of NaPoWriMo

Today I am happy as could be
I can climb the highest mountain
and sail the roughest sea
Their isn't anything I couldn't do.

Today is one of those days
that are looked upon with a smile.
I can go the very distance
and run the longest mile.

Today I can do anything
that is simply true.
I prefer to not a waste away
a gift from life, how about you?

Friday, April 24, 2015


Day Twenty-Four of NaPoWriMo:

Today is the day where everything begins.
Time for pleasure and the time for the work to end.
This is the day we all work for-our motivation for the week.
The day we are thankful for and embrace it with pure relief.

Thursday, April 23, 2015


Day Twenty-Three of NaPoWriMo:

What do you write about when you have nothing to say?
Sitting here thinking as my day wonders away.
The words have scattered and my thoughts near empty
Some ideas too foolish and others too petty.

Life is full of challenges so I must push on
and pray that tomorrow brings a new dawn.
As for now I sit and ponder and force words to fit
Now just realizing that I finished and I just did it!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

I'm Not The Reason

Day Twenty-Two of NaPoWriMo:

In a place of crowded faces, I stand alone.
You used to be the best of company
Now I prefer to be alone.

You used to speak words of joy
and was a pleasure to be around. Now you speak
vulgar words and tear people down.

Those eyes that glance right through me
and pretend to see me not Hurt more
than throwing daggers, and feels worse then things that rot.

If you're happy -I guess that matters.
Although its such a shame. That you
speak words of poison while claiming you know His name.

It makes me sick to know you're different
and not the person you once were.  Just know I
made an effort and you let it go.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

All Grown Up

Day Twenty-One of NaPoWriMo:

Today is your day- all much is true,
Another year granted, another brand new.
You are still young, old though it seams,
Not yet have reached your prime but you're living your dreams.

Today I miss you- most of all
The miles between us are not very small.
I wish to be with you on this special day
Although I'm not there I have things to say.

I wish you the best -that could ever be had
I hope today is happy with no ounce of sad.
You're a prayer answered, a wish upon a star
You're another year older but not yet for the bar.

With another year of life - I hope comes with wisdom.
Go have some fun, but honor His kingdom.
You'll always be young and know what's sup
Happy Birthday my darling, you are all grown up.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Things I Know For Certain

Day Twenty of NaPoWriMo:

The things I know for certain
are quite clearly said.
All things alive live
and all things that die are dead.

The things I know for certain
are quite clearly seen.
The color of the sky is blue,
and the plants of nature are green.

The things I know for certain
are quite clearly felt.
The chill of winter's frost,
and the sting of a painful welt.

The things I know for certain
are quite clearly true.
That life is filled with feelings
like the ones I have towards you.

Sunday, April 19, 2015


Day Nineteen of NaPoWriMo:

I gaze upon a picture in which I see
A familiar face, a friend smiling at me.

I gaze upon that person who I've known long before
Smiling and laughing we done so much more.

In that actual  face I see
A stranger staring back, it could not be

That you have forgotten, the friendship we had
the friends we once were.

How it happen? - its all a blur

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Senior Year

Day Eighteen of NaPoWriMo:

College is coming! College is coming!
Sharpen your pencils and writing skills.

College is coming! College is coming!
Practice makes perfect test scores.

College is coming! College is coming!
What's the point, can't I be done?

College is coming! College is coming!
Which university is right for me?

College is coming! College is coming!
Applications will be the death of me.

College is coming! College is coming!
Who to chose, who to chose.

College is coming! College is coming!
I'll wear  that cap and gown.

College is coming! College is coming!
So long my friends, see you...

College is coming! College is coming!
I've got that paper what now?

College is coming! College is coming!

Friday, April 17, 2015

It's Me

Day Seventeen of NaPoWriMo:

Excuse me.
Hey you!
Look up here!
Yeah you!
You with the device in your hand.
Up here!
Hey, how's it going?
Who am I?
You don't remember?
Maybe your device can tell you that.
Call me when you figure it out.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Moved On

Day Sixteen of NaPoWriMo:

Standing there, I saw you
Looking the way you do.
Sitting there, I pondered
the times when it was me and you.

Smiling and laughing, the time we had
I remember that it wasn't all bad.
Moved on, I have done
it was the best thing I could do.

Than you, He's better
that's all- plainly said.
I have found, my soul mate
and our love is real and true.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Fast Paced

Day Fifteen of NaPoWriMo:

Rushed. Hurried. Scurried.
Off to the the very next thing.
No time to stop or wandering.
Know what you want and Get. It. Done.
Can't stop now, it has only just begun.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Mother Knows Best

Day Fourteen of NaPoWriMo:

Mother may I have some fun?
No my darling theirs works to be done.
Mother all I want to do is play before
the sunshine goes away,

I know my child that you are young and
your biggest priority is to just have fun.
But darling do not waste your day with
childish games and selfless play.

Life has more purpose then to just have fun
and darling your's has just begun.
Work helps keep our minds stay new
and gives up purpose-which is true.

Mother if what you say is true, what is it
that I need to do?
I want to have purpose in my life
cause with there will be no strife

You are wise my child to listen.
Without there will always be something missin'
What you need to do is play
once the work has gone away.

Monday, April 13, 2015


Day Thirteen of NaPoWriMo:

Always on and never off, unless I'm forgetful!
My whole life in my palm, I must never go without it.
It's my ticket to the social world and my ticket out.
It connects me with those not with me and disconnects
me from those around me.

Distracts me from the things I have to do
but lets me do the things I want to do.
Airplanes and movie theater are not its friend, for they
wish for its use was postpone till later.

I give much credit to those who go without them, for
they are not enslaved like me.
With the constant buzzing and clacking and typing,
I am enslaved by this technology.

Sunday, April 12, 2015


Day Twelve of NaPoWriMo:

Quiet boy, six feet small
not yet has reached his mark.
Wispy hair of  neat red locks
put up nicely without a care.
Blue eyes clear as the sky
oblivious to his greatness.

Welcoming smile of kindness
reflects his inner being.
To his own standards, he
isn't good enough, not
smart enough, not tough enough
for his own mind tells him so.

She sees greatness and potential
capabilities beyond belief. Worth
behind it all. With all efforts to make it
known, all she gets is grief.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Pretty Faces

Day Eleven of NaPoWriMo:

Pretty faces, empty souls
Poison seeps from their lips
Aware of the destruction they bring.

Perfect makeup, wrecked beings
Hypocrisy follows wherever they go
Aware of the life that they live.

Deep pockets, shallow hearts
Glamoured lives of plastic reality
Unaware everyone see right through them.

Friday, April 10, 2015

ABC's of Doing Love Right

Day Ten of NaPoWriMo:

Always be true to yourself, fake love is not real.
Be open with others, secrets do not make friends...or lovers.
Count on one another, trust is everything.
Discuss whats on your mind, communication is key.
Enjoy one another, life is too short to not be happy.
Find someone who challenges you, challenges produces growth.
Get together as much as possible, make each minute count.
Help one another, everyone has their flaws and burdens- doesn't mean they are the burden.
Inspire one another, make each other your muse.
Joke with one another, nothing brings people together more than laughter.
Keep your vows, you made them for a reason- enforce them.
Love freely, find each others's love language and express it openly.
Money is not important, its the depth of their heart that matters not their pockets.
No one is always right, learn to recognize when your wrong-its more important than being right.
Pray for one another, we all need guidance and help.
Quit expecting perfection, no one's love will complete you fully.
Respect one another, both of you are equal.
Sex is only between a husband and his wife.
Take your time, you're not young forever but don't rush into things.
Unfortunately, you will disappoint each other sometimes but love is imperfect.
Vividly display your love for one another, its easy to keep it when you know its there.
Words make an impact, never go a day without saying I love you.
X marks the spot, go on adventures, take trips/vacations, be spontaneous.
Young love still exist , even if your old, keep your love young!
Zealously anticipate your time together, life is a grand adventure when you have someone to share it with.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Final Game

Day Nine of NaPoWriMo:

the sound of the ball into my hand,
The defined grip on the ball captures my finger's attention.

Badonkadonk badonkadonk,
as I move the ball up the court,
The decision I need to make is fatal from my team's victory.

the sweat falls off my face and hits the floor,
Joins in with the blood, sweat and tears of  athletes everywhere.

Tick tock,
as the numbers on the clock get smaller,
Time decreases as the tension increases among the court- who will be the victor?

Eek eek,
the sound of players moving side to side for the ball.
Escaping from their defender to gain an opportunity over our opponent.

as the ball leaves my hand toward the basket,
It's destination is crucial for our victory.

the buzzer blares out,
And the outcome of the game has been determined.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Anticipated Arrival

Day Eight of NaPoWriMo:

Tiny hands and tiny feet
I'm so glad we finally meet.
In my hands I hold you near,
My heart is filled with joyous cheer.

The perfect gift of brand new life
You my dear have removed my strife.
For several months, I was your dome
What was once a house is now a home.

Our family, small and now complete 
With the precious life of your heartbeat.
I love you darling which is more than clear
We are so glad you're finally here!

Tuesday, April 7, 2015


Day Seven of NaPoWriMo:

The width of his wallet determines his chance.
It tugs at her heart strings and sways her affection.
The people around him find him more appealing.
It alters his life goals and aspirations.
With a transaction of crisp dollar bills
or a slick swipe of a platinum card
everything he wants is just a pocket length away.

The only thing he can't buy, is the one thing he needs.
Its not obtainable with money or materialistic matter.
He's a fool to think he doesn't need it.
He's fine with the things he has got
For where your money is , your heart is also.
Underneath the pristine facade of glamour and wealth
is an empty man with a poor soul, who would have thought?

Monday, April 6, 2015

Slow down and sip the coffee

Day Six of NaPoWriMo:

The steady annoyance of the alarm
 awakes me from my restless slumber.
Overflowed by rushing thoughts of today.
Another reminder I have somewhere to be.

The struggle to remove oneself
from the indulging grasp of sheets and pillows
is battle I unfortunately win everyday.
Another reminder I have somewhere to go.

The new day has begun and so has mine.
Rushing here and there to present myself ready
To check things off my list and complete each task.
Another reminder I have something to do.

Rushing out the door, the sweetest scent caresses my nose.
Wondering by, I grab a cup of steaming black nectar.
With wonders of heaven that flirt with my soul and tongue
My perception of life has been enhanced.

With a cup of nectar in my hand, life is at its best.
 My mind at ease, my errands have been put to rest.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

I died for beauty

Day Five of NaPoWriMo: 

I died for beauty,
To be looked upon with pride.
To be called His own daughter
and kept by His very side.

I died for beauty,
For what I lost, I gained.
For He became my Savior
Forever His Kingdom shall remain.

I died for beauty,
Not the beauty of this world.
But the one who died for it
The One who came to serve.

I died for beauty,
For His beauty shall be proclaimed.
By the creation that surrounds us
By praise we sing His name,

I died for beauty,
Because without Him I am lost.
Upon that cross he bared
and paid the ultimate cost. 

Saturday, April 4, 2015


Day Four of NaPoWriMo:

it flared with passion 
Radiantly glowed
like the morning sun

two souls together
Burning rampantly 
like the raging sun

their sparks settle out
like the evening sun

two lovers scorched
like the setting sun

Friday, April 3, 2015

I suppose we just go on

Day Three of  NaPoWriMo:

What now? Where do we go?
After we work all day, all night
The works all done, the days have past
The sweat has been poured and
The bloods been spilled
I suppose we just go on.
Is that all? Is that it?
We try our best and never make it.
It’s a dog eat dog world out there
Where the rich get rich and the poor stay poor
They’re obsessed, we’re stressed to be
The best of the best
When we know there is only one and the rest
I suppose we just go on.
Pretend theirs hope when there’s none
So we beat on, boats against current,
For a life we’ll never have
A dream we’ll never reach
Though we try our best to make things happen
Cause what else is there to do?
I suppose we just go on.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

The Stars Upon Us

Day Two of NaPoWriMo:

Their are more stars then the ones at night.
Their are ones that sparkle and give us light
Those are the ones that help us see and take us home, 
and make us feel that we are not alone.

But the ones that matter and give us sight
are the ones that gives us more than light.
These are the ones that touch are souls
that latch on and don't let go. 

They come in different shapes and sizes

with different journeys and surprises
They  impact us and make us complete
They pick us up when we feel weak.

In my journey, I've seen great things
Experienced joy and much sufferings
And in this life I will go far
because I have you as my star. 

Wednesday, April 1, 2015


Day One of NaPoWriMo:

Whats not real cannot be lost
What is true cannot be false
What is learned cannot be retaught
For we all thought we could do it all 
right before our prideful fall

What is good cannot be bad
What is taken cannot be had
What is shallow cannot be deep
For we all tried and risked it all
after our prideful fall

What is worthless cannot be dear
What is far cannot be near
What is right cannot be wrong
For we all did what we could do 
to prevent our fate; our prideful fall